Jonah 1&2
When I was 16, my parents bought a new car and gave me their old one. On one condition, that I pay for the gas myself. So I got a job at the local movie theater. I stood to my beliefs and would not work on Sundays. This was the first of 52 jobs I have had over my short 4 decades on earth. On of the longest jobs I held was working for a hobby shop in Illinois. At that time I drove 45 minutes to work and 10 minutes to church. The church I attended was very open to me organizing and starting a drama ministry. Since I had participated in drama throughout high school and some in college, I had a strong desire to be a drama pastor eventually. I felt God was opening the door for me to start and maintain a new ministry at a sizable church. I held a meeting the first Sunday night and about 15 volunteers showed up. I ran a few exercises to get to know everyone and we met for a few months every other week. I communicated with the pastor and we started performing intro sketches to help him with his sermons. Work meanwhile was going very well. I was up for a promotion. Problem was, in order to be promoted, I needed to work Sundays. I loved that job, and I questioned myself, God, and others to see which door I should go through.
I chose the wrong door. You see, I chose the career. I enjoyed my time there, and a couple years later, out of the blue I was let go. (Along with half the workforce in the district.)
I moved back to Michigan and started over. A few years later, I heard the calling of God. I was so excited, and it was at that time I met my ex-wife. We started a life together, and I thought she was on board to help me go into ministry. I was wrong. 10 years of abuse, and emotional trauma kept me from fulfilling the mission set before me. I guess you could say it was my "big fish" moment. (Honestly I don't mean to equate my ex-wife with a whale, it sounds more insulting than what I intended it to.) I prayed earnestly that God would move. He did so in His timing, and I was divorced before I even knew it! (Unfortunately, that had some legal ramifications, however I was now free to live as God wanted me to!)
A year later I met my current wife who is absolutely amazing! God used both of our "big fish" times in our lives to bring us closer to each other. My wife is completely on board with my entering ministry and is very supportive.
Just as God used Jonah's big fish moment to further His kingdom. I am sure the people of Nineveh were more apt to listen to a man they just saw get vomited up on the beach by a large fish. A few centuries later, God still used Jonah's big fish moment when Jesus mentioned it as an allegory to His death, burial and resurrection. God is still using the moment today to teach us!
Are you in the belly of a "big fish" now? So, what is God teaching you through your big fish moments?
The Sermons and thoughts of Mark Spickenagel, spreading the Gospel Message one click at a time.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Combating the enemy - Part 1 "Knowing the enemy"
8 Be alert and of sober mind. Your
enemy the devil prowls around like
a roaring lion looking for
someone to devour.
I must admit, I
like cats. I once had a cat named
Phantom that would (I guess in order to live up to his name) like to hide in
various areas of the large farmhouse I had, anyway he would jump out and attack
your legs when you weren’t looking or paying attention. This was a particularly effective method of
attack if you were carrying a large load of laundry in a basket in a darkened
room in the middle of the night. He
would come out, grab your legs, maybe a light bite and be on his way before you
knew what bit you! Often referred to as
“Ninja-catting”. Most of the time, these
attacks were pretty harmless. Of course,
to him, it was good bit of fun and a great way to get attention if he was
hungry. To his victims however, it
usually meant you would have to check your drawers! There were a few times, I would take a few
minutes to compose myself and hold my chest after one of these encounters. Other times, he would be very cute, and loveable
and be sitting on my lap as I would pet him, then for no reason other than he
could, he would bite me (somewhat gently) and I would give him a tap on the
nose and say “NO!” To this day, I can’t
imagine what goes through their heads, that they feel the need to establish
superiority by biting?!
That my friends,
is how I picture the enemy. Sometimes he
blatantly attacks you when you are least expecting it, and you have to be on
guard as you are carrying your laundry basket through the house, and other times,
you are just sitting “minding your own business” and invite the enemy on your
lap, and are surprised when you are bit.
There are three
characteristics of the enemy we need to be aware of in order to better combat
the enemy.
He is
the great pretender. – Genesis 3:1-2,
From the moment we are
introduced to Satan, he is portraying himself as something he is not. (A
serpent, an angel of light, etc…) 2Corinthians 11:14 Why is it we are surprised when the enemy acts completely in
character? Since he is the great
pretender, he is also the father of lies.
Jesus said so Himself in John 8:44. So then, if he is the great
pretender and the great deceiver, then we should be all the more aware of his
schemes! One of his biggest schemes is
the twisting of the Word of God! Genesis3:1-2 The serpent certainly knew what
God had told Eve concerning the trees of the garden, and yet, twisted the words
when tempting her. Flash forward to the
temptation of Christ, Matthew 4:5-7. So
be wary my friends that when using God’s Word, and knowing God’s Word, that the
enemy knows it as well!
attacks cannot stand against the Kingdom, Word, and Love of God.
Broadly speaking, the kingdom of God is the rule of an
eternal, sovereign God over all the universe. Several passages of Scripture
show that God is the undeniable Monarch of all creation: “The LORD has
established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all” (Psalm 103:19). And, as King
Nebuchadnezzar declared, “His kingdom is an eternal kingdom” (Daniel 4:3). Every authority that
exists has been established by God (Romans 13:1). So, in one sense, the
kingdom of God incorporates everything that is.
More narrowly, the kingdom of God is a spiritual rule over the hearts and lives of those who willingly submit to God’s authority. Those who defy God’s authority and refuse to submit to Him are not part of the kingdom of God; in contrast, those who acknowledge the lordship of Christ and gladly surrender to God’s rule in their hearts are part of the kingdom of God. In this sense, the kingdom of God is spiritual—Jesus said His kingdom was not of this world (John 18:36), and He preached that repentance is necessary to be a part of the kingdom of God (Matthew 4:17 Also in I John 1:9, John reminds us that God is faithful to forgive. That the kingdom of God can be equated with the sphere of salvation is evident in John 3:5–7, where Jesus says the kingdom of God must be entered into by being born again. See also 1 Corinthians6:9. There is nothing that can stand against the Kingdom of God.
More narrowly, the kingdom of God is a spiritual rule over the hearts and lives of those who willingly submit to God’s authority. Those who defy God’s authority and refuse to submit to Him are not part of the kingdom of God; in contrast, those who acknowledge the lordship of Christ and gladly surrender to God’s rule in their hearts are part of the kingdom of God. In this sense, the kingdom of God is spiritual—Jesus said His kingdom was not of this world (John 18:36), and He preached that repentance is necessary to be a part of the kingdom of God (Matthew 4:17 Also in I John 1:9, John reminds us that God is faithful to forgive. That the kingdom of God can be equated with the sphere of salvation is evident in John 3:5–7, where Jesus says the kingdom of God must be entered into by being born again. See also 1 Corinthians6:9. There is nothing that can stand against the Kingdom of God.
of his biggest schemes is the twisting of the Word of God! Genesis 3:1-2 The serpent certainly knew what God had told Eve concerning
the trees of the garden, and yet, twisted the words when tempting her. Flash forward to the temptation of Christ,
Matthew 4:5-7. Satan knows that he is unable to destroy the Word (I Peter1:25), so he studies it, twists it, uses it to manipulate mankind into
falsehood. So be wary my friends that
when using God’s Word, and knowing God’s Word, that the enemy knows it as well,
and he will use every chance to twist it to his own end. Answer his arrows with a few of God’s! Using God’s word strengthens our faith, which
is our shield! (More on this in a few
weeks!) When David sang his songs of praise, and recited the Word, demons fled
from Saul. When Paul and Silas
worshipped with the Word, their chains fell off. Reading the Word of God, and better yet
memorizing it allows us to go beyond our circumstance, and better know our
General. The Word of the Living God is
our very battle manual. Do not forsake
it. Do not lose it. Love it!
The Love of God is everlasting, and nothing
can be done to separate us from His love.
The enemy is unable to do a lot of things
3 of which follow.
1. The enemy can't destroy us.
we serve an unchanging God, and the account of Job is any indication, we are
under the protection of the Almighty!
(Job 1:12, Psalm 91:1-16, 2 Timothy 4:8, Romans 12:19)
2. The enemy can't destroy God's Word.
(Isaiah 40:8, 1 Peter 1:25) If God's word
is infallible, and everlasting, then the only recourse the enemy has is to
twist the Word. The best defense against this is to know the Word better than
the enemy!
3. The enemy can't destroy God's Love for
Romans 8:37-39 - No, in all these things
we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that
neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to
come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will
be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Ephesians 2:4-5 - But God, being rich in
mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, evenwhen we were dead
in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ— by grace you have been
saved ...
Romans 5:8 - but God shows his love for us
in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Zephaniah 3:17 - The LORD your God is in
your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness;
he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing.
1 Peter 5:6-7 - Humble yourselves,
therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt
you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.
Psalm 86:15 - But you, O Lord, are a God
merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and
Remember that when you are under attack.
Monday, September 5, 2016
Remember this?
The following is an excerpt from my book, "Stuff in my Attic". Enjoy!
Philippians 1:3-5
As I live my life, and have had numerous (58 to be exact!) jobs, and met
countless people, there is one thing that keeps coming back to me. Memories.
The Disney Pixar film "Inside Out" has a great ideology on memories.
Yes, memories are more valuable to me than material
possessions. Material possessions can
quickly fade, or break, or wear out.
Memories however can last a life time!
Even if your memory is poor, (which mine is sometimes) certain memories
can live on through those you interact with.
I have memories of my grandfather that I was able share with my grandmother,
and though she had forgotten some of them, my re-telling of these stories are
of entertaining and lasting value. Memories are a living thing, they will go on
even after you are gone, as displayed by my grandfather.
I seem to recall a special memory that my aunt had about my
grandfather and swearing.
Now, allow me to explain. I grew up in a traditional
mid-western home instilled with solid Christian values. This was no doubt in part due to these same
values being instilled on my parents from when they were younger.
My grandparents rarely missed church, and were active on
some church committees, and my grandpa was an usher at times, in short they
were/are morally upright citizens. I had
never heard my grandfather use inappropriate language.
One particular day, my aunt and I were discussing the strong language and societal beliefs to use strong language occasionally, and found it does not have any real
value. She had instituted a “swear
jar”. Now, I don’t know what happened
with the “swear jar” nor is that the memory in question.
As we were conversing, I relayed the fact that grandpa never
swears, and probably never has. My aunt
was quick to correct me, and relayed the following story.
“One day when grandpa was up in the ceiling in the kitchen
working on something, I think it was a fixture, he dropped one of the tools
that he was working with, and lost it in the insulation. A semi-loud, ‘Goddammit!’ was heard, and
grandma was quick to scold grandpa.
(Which we rarely heard grandma ever getting after grandpa;
usually it was the other way around.)
She said, ‘Norman! You know what
I think about that kind of language in my house!’ To this day, I have not heard grandpa swear
Well, that particular memory wasn’t to focus on grandpa
swearing, or grandma even standing up to him.
It was to point out that grandpa was “normal” and had moments of
weakness just like we all do. But, more
importantly, it allowed me years later, to relate this memory to grandma, who
after grandpa’s death had a good laugh about it. So the memory had lasting value, and
entertaining value.
Someday, I will use that memory
to teach my kids a lesson on swearing, and how it is not really necessary, and how grandpa
gave up swearing for grandma’s sake.
So as I work with people, and collaborate with people, I
have these wonderful memories.
I would venture to say there is only one thing wrong with
memories, and that is creating bad ones.
What impact can a bad memory have on someone? Just as good memories can last years, bad
ones can last years, or longer.
Bad memories have an ability to leave a hole in your heart, and a tiny place of sorrow or regret that you can somehow be thankful for that you survived them.
Many years ago, before I met my (now ex-wife), I was engaged
to a different person. We were together
for a little over 4 years. Which seems
like (when you’re in your 20’s) is a long time.
We had colors, and music and date all picked out for the wedding, and
were as excited as any young betrothed are.
Then something happened. 3 days
after our anniversary of our first date on Valentine’s Day 4 years prior, she
told me she didn’t “feel” like she loved me anymore. I now realize that true love has little with
how you “feel”. True love means you love
someone even when you don’t “feel” like it.
(More on this particular topic in the section on Love, and Romance.)
The point is this, after our breakup, I felt
devastated. Everywhere I went, I was
reminded of someplace we went, something we did, a place we ate…etc. So, my loving sister and her husband had just
moved into a new house with their 9 month old baby. They offered for me to move in with them “down
in the Chicago area.” Now, being from
the Ann Arbor area in Michigan, I was at first hesitant about moving so far away
from my parents, and few friends. But,
on the other hand, I was broken and miserable.
I packed my stuff, and moved 6 hours away to start over. Why?
Bad memories.
Over a decade later, I lived in the Ann Arbor area again,
and it is where I met my ex-wife, with whom I have a wonderful son. We lived in
a house on 350 acres in the country. I
have good memories there, but more often than not (due to being in a very
abusive relationship) I have many worse memories from that decade in my life. Occasionally however, I have one pop up out
of the blue when driving by certain places, and I feel a little pebble of
regret in the pit of my stomach. The
poison bad memories can leave behind is long lasting. I praise God that He is my Rock and my
comforter. He is my deliverer, and got me through 10 years of an abusive marriage, and brought someone into my life who had the same type of story and loves me for me.
Now, I live in Ohio, married to my wonderful wife, and have
5 step-kids. Together we share an intense love of God and His Word, and are continually challenging each other to grow.
We make new memories
together every day. I am so thankful for
the new good memories I have; they allow me to crowd out the bad ones.
My wife and I went to our first MLB game a couple weeks ago to see the Detroit Tigers play the Chicago White Sox. Courtesy of a fellow writer friend of mine. It was amazing. The memories we created there will last the rest of our lives. I even got a souvenir cup with my favorite player. Now, the cup doesn't create the memory does it? It facilitates the memory. Just as pictures do. I am sure there will be many more memories of this nature created with my wife.
What kind of memories are you helping to create?
Friday, September 2, 2016
Grateful Gratitude
First of all I want to say a big "Thank you loyal readers"! The following is an excerpt from my book "Stuff in my Attic". I do hope you will appreciate it.
How often do you hear, “I appreciate
what you did for me.” Or, “I appreciate all you do.” No matter how often we hear it, it can never
grow old.
I am a huge Jim Henson fan. (I have the
complete series of Fraggle Rock, the complete Muppet Show run, all the Muppet
movies, and Muppets Tonight.) I am
fortunate to own a few rare documentaries on Jim, and, the love of his creations
is coupled with the admiration and respect of his friend and co-worker Frank
close relationship and love for Jim was apparent when he would tell a wonderful
story about a particular Christmas present that Jim had made for him.
their Saturday Night Live days, Jim asked Frank to go into his dressing room,
take off all his clothes, hold his hands over his genitals, and look into the
lens of a camera with a shocked expression as Jim took a photo. Frank
cautiously but happily obliged. As Christmas approached Jim gave Frank his
gift. It was a sculpture of sorts, consisting of a large Bert holding a shelf
of little Bert's all looking back at the big Bert. Jim had taken pictures of
all the Creature shop people responsible for making Bert. He cut each face out
and glued them onto the shelf. He then cut out the pupils of big Bert's eyes
and replaced them each with the photos of Frank naked.
In May of 1990, Jim passed away due
to a bacterial infection in the lungs.
Life Magazine© Cover – May 1990
At the London memorial for Jim
Henson, Frank Oz delivered the following eulogy, which highlights a lesser-known
aspect of Henson's character—his talent for appreciation:
“ ... After the service in New York...I wandered
around for days and weeks like many of us did. And, while I worked, and while I
was with my family, I thought about Jim. I couldn't help but think about Jim.
I thought of course about what an
insane, profound loss it was. And then of course so many images and memories of
Jim came back to me. So many images. But one image kept coming back to me—just
a fleeting moment. And it was not of Jim performing or directing. It was not of
Jim with his family. It was not of Jim with his colleagues. And it was not Jim
working so hard, and it was not even of the great, stupid, silly fun that we
all had with Jim—that I had with Jim.
But this one image kept coming back
to me...Just of Jim, standing, with his arms folded, just having a very warm
smile—looking. And, it wouldn't go away. It just kept on coming back. I
realized it was Jim, appreciating. I know where I got that image from, I think.
It was from the Muppet Show here at ATV or The Dark Crystal, the movie, or wherever we were shooting when we would look
back at the playbacks. The television monitor would be right there. We would
shoot the movie or shoot the performance, as many of you know. And then we
would play it back and judge it. Often we would judge it and say, “Oh that was
terrible. Let's do it again.” But so many times I would see Jim—just
appreciating it.
Many people see Jim as an
extraordinary creator. I realize that I see Jim first as an appreciator. He
appreciated so much. He loved London. He loved walking on the Heath. He
loved...Parliament Hill, flying kites. He appreciated it so much. He appreciated
his family and his colleagues and his Muppet family. And he appreciated the
performances and design of a puppet. He appreciated the art objects that he
might buy. He appreciated the detail in a Persian rug. He appreciated...just
Many times we would have meetings.
I've known Jim for twenty-seven years now and this would always happen. And I'm
sure some of you will remember. We would have a meeting and if it was a pretty
day outside, he'd say, ‘Gee, couldn't we go outside? Couldn't we? It's nice out
there. Couldn't we just go outside? Why sit in here?’
And he appreciated the day. He
didn't realize why...why sit in a stuffy room when you could appreciate beauty
out there? And I remember when we had meetings he would...often say, ‘Gee,
can't we eat? Why don't we—I mean—isn't it time to eat? Can't we eat while we
And it wasn't because he was hungry. He was a time
to appreciate eating and it was a time to appreciate working. And even when he
ate, I remember, he would always take dessert. He loved dessert. And he
would...I just have this image of him...when you brought the tray over, I
remember him saying, ‘What—what's that thingy—there?’ He was always wiggling
his finger and saying, ‘What's that little dessert thing?’ I don't know why,
but he couldn't order dessert without wiggling his finger. I'm not quite sure
why that is but then he'd say, ‘I'll, I'll take that, that thingy there.’ And
he would have it. And then he would eat it. And when he was eating it, you'd
hear these little ’Mmm's’ from him, as he ate the dessert. ‘Mmmm. Mmmm.’
And it wasn't just that it tasted
good, which it did. But it was the time at that moment to appreciate it. To
appreciate where he was at that moment—eating that dessert. And I think life
was just this dessert for him. I really don't believe that Jim could have been
such an extraordinary creator if he hadn't been such an extraordinary
Appreciating is more than kind
words, as the talented Mr. Oz related, truly appreciating is often non-verbal, and
it is a look, a gesture, or a simple smile. Often times, these silent moments
last longer than any gift of appreciation.
After the flowers wilt, and the beautiful nick-nack purchased becomes
dusty, after the music fades and the dinner is over, after the monetary
appreciation award is spent, the moment will remain. The act will not be forgotten. The simple act of appreciation not only
encourages the discouraged, or uplifts the downtrodden; it is another way to
love. Sure, we say “Thank You” to
people, as a force of habit, and not really think about it. However, truly appreciating is so much
Truly appreciating doesn’t cost
anything. It doesn’t take any more time
to truly appreciate something. And to
appreciate a material thing, is to appreciate the creator of that thing. So much beauty in the world is left to fade,
when it goes un-appreciated.
Why is appreciating so hard? Sure, it is easy to appreciate certain things
like desserts, or big acts of love, or talented individuals, but what about the
little things? What about those tiny
little details that just seem to be part of life that we often times
overlook? Are the clothes you are
wearing clean because you washed them, or someone else did? What about all the work that was put into a
simple thing like a can of soup. The
design of the label, the ease of heating it up, the taste, these are all things
that are easily overlooked. When you overlook
these simple things, you overlook the Creator.
You overlook the people, or person that was responsible for creating
it. We live in a time when life is
rushed, and the more time-saving devices we invent, the less time we have for
each other as human beings. The more
hurried life is, the more we do, the less time we make for each other, the
faster life seems to go.
Take time to appreciate. In fact, we are supposed to appreciate. We
are commanded to through God’s Word.
Colossians 3:16
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and
admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.
There is a time and a place for all
things, but how often do we take an extra moment to appreciate the beauty in
Smile. No, really, as your reading
this, smile. How long did it take
you? Answer – a few seconds more or
less. That’s all it takes sometimes. A simple smile to acknowledge something
someone has done, or to appreciate. In
his letter to Timothy, Paul urges us to do so and tells us the benefits of
I Timothy 2:1-2
First of all, then, I urge that supplications,
prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead
a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.
Often times, on a nice day, I would
find myself taking a moment and breathing deep as I look into the sky. My wife would sometimes say, “What’s
wrong?” my response will be something
like “Nothing. Why?”
“Because you sighed.”
"Nothing, just breathing." (I am just enjoying.)
What I was doing was enjoying, or
appreciating. It seems in those fleeting
quiet moments, that the world moved a bit slower, and I was able to feel
refreshed, and happy, if only for a short time before the activity of daily life once again beckoned.
Appreciation is contagious. Not only does it make you feel happy, it
encourages those around you to feel happy as well. Think about it, if you told a co-worker that
you really appreciate your condensed soup, they may think you’re nuts, sure,
but I can guarantee they will at the very least smile. Even if they don’t
smile, then you have given them a memory that will last for a short time at
So, take time, slow down, and
appreciate more in your life. We don’t
have time not to!
Point in fact…
I appreciate you, and what you do!
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Ol' Oak Eye
He stood in the street, ready. He glared his opponent down as his eyes naturally squinted in the sun. Every muscle tightned as a tumbleweed blew by kicking up some dust. The town was hushed as he began to speak. The old man's voice was raspy and deep. His swarthy complexion mixed with the wrinkles in his face made his skin appear as finely aged leather. His brows furrowed under the brim of his broad hat as he passed judgement on his fellow man. The problem was, he was no judge...he was Ol' Oak Eye. The legend of his deeds traveled far and wide as he would reduce someone to a pile of rubble in their soul. He was a joy taker, and a coward. He felt he could do no wrong, yet he saw the wrong everyone else did. For he was Ol' Oak Eye.
As a Christian, I would say that I am not the only one who fails at judging not, and fall prey to the beam in the eye when inspecting someone else's problems. I am guilty. I am sure that this is unfortunately a systemic problem in our modern church.
Perhaps you are thinking, "No, not our church!" Well, my answer to that is simple. 1.) You don't know the heart of every member, only God can do that.
2.) Even if you think it in your heart, you are guilty.
As a parent, I find this is a hard balance. I try to instruct my children in the Way, and find that I fall short myself more often than not. If I notice, I try to apologize to them and admit that I am not perfect. (I am not...definitely not.)
So, in Matthew 7, Jesus tells us how to deal with "Ol' Oak Eye".
The basic premise is get your own house in order first. Then help others with theirs.
That being said, how is your house?
Can you see past your beam?
Don't pull a splinter, until you take care of your tree!
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Don't get comfortable...
At work today, I went to the job site with my boss. I have only known her a couple weeks, and there were a few moments of awkward silence here and there. I was a bit outside my comfort zone. Then we started talking. We talked about a few different things, when the subject of this blog came up. (I hope if she is reading this, she finds it fulfilling.) I texted her the site so she can read it whenever.
So, after work, I was unable to get into my locked car. I put the key in and it would not turn. My boss tried, to no avail, it simply would not turn. So here I am tired after a long day of work, trying to "fix" my car with my boss helping. Finally she offers me a ride home. On the way, she mentions she has to pick up her pre-teen daughter. Sure, not a problem, she was offering me the ride out of the kindness of her heart. So, riding with 2 people I hardly know, embarrassed that my car wasn't working and I don't have roadside assistance, I guess you could say that once again today, I was outside my comfort zone.
That got me thinking about Christ's prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane. Not once but 3 times Jesus prays (and I am paraphrasing) "If there is another way, let it be done that way. This thing that is about to happen, I would rather skip it. Not by my will, but Yours Father." So three times Jesus prays that He would rather let the cup pass by Him.
So my question is this. Did Jesus go a bit outside of His comfort zone for us? Did He even have a comfort zone?
I do know that God uses us better when we are outside of our comfort zone. If we are in a comfortable place, then we are not in the process of ongoing sanctification. If we are comfortable, we are not experiencing the growing pains we need to experience to live and learn. When we get comfortable, we can get lazy.
Read the following verses, and let me know if God's Word does not instruct us to operate outside of our comfort zones. Christ Himself said that it won't be easy! I for one am looking forward to the next time that I am in an uncomfortable situation, for that means God is working!
Joshua 1:9
2 Timothy 1:7
2 Timothy 2:15
James 1:22
Mark 16:15
Is it just me, or do none of those verses say "If you feel like it and are comfortable."?
So, next time you are uncomfortable, remember to ask yourself, "How is God using this?"
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Is the end near?
I have always had a bit of an issue when preachers speak that Jesus is coming soon. You see, I was always taught that even Christ didn't know when He was returning. (Matt. 24:36) So, in my youth I was confused. Soon is a relative term, so we can understand why it confused me and that message may still confuse some.
The Bible gives us some insight as to the end times. I never cared much for the "doomsayers" that would preach that we are living in the end times. However, as I got older, I am convinced that no matter if we are or aren't we still have a mission set forth before us, and when the General arrives, I do not want to be caught away from my post!
You see, today I came across 2 Timothy 3:1-7 and it really opened my eyes.
But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. 2 For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud,arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy,3 heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, 4 treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people. 6 For among them are those who creep into households and capture weak women, burdened with sins and led astray by various passions, 7 always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth.
I don't know about you, but to me that all sounds very familiar. I have seen so many in our modern society that fit more than one of these. I find myself had difficulty abstaining from some of Paul's descriptors. (I thank God that in Christ I am a new creation!)
So is this post just reiterating what I myself have had a problem with? No. I can honestly say that now more than ever people are hungry for God, and the fields are ripe! There are too few workers!
Since 2005, there has been a steady decrease in seminary enrollment across multiple denominations. (Appox. 20%)
So, if we are seeing more of the warning signs as dictated by God's Word, then shouldn't we see an increase in seminary enrollment? Who is taking the place of retiring church leadership? Who will go?
It is not as God is not calling more people. The fact of the matter is, we may not be listening. (Or we are listening to the wrong source.) The enemy would like nothing more than to hinder more from entering seminary and dedicating their lives to full time ministry.
Are we in the end times? As Christ had said, nobody knows but the Father. (He also said don't worry about tomorrow.) So, all we can do for now is be ready if we are.
Saturday, August 27, 2016
Time is money
You have probably heard the expression time is money. So, let's take that a step further. Picture you have $86,400.00. What would you do with that money? Sure, we all like to pretend we hit the lottery and know what we would do if we had that much money just sitting around. I would pay off bills, and invest. The Bible says a lot about money, and most of it is not good. Because I think that people in general have a problem with money. Sure, I am generalizing, however think about it. How would you spend 86,400 dollars?
This post is not actually about money. Sure, I could talk on how the ancient Israelites gave 65% of their income back to God and to the Temple, but Jesus addressed tithing and spoke of giving with the widow's mite. No, this post isn't about money, it is about time. God grants us 86,400 seconds every day. How are we choosing to spend that time? Is it God honoring? Philippians 4:8 tells us to only think about honest, good things. (I have heard it said as garbage in, garbage out.) I Thessalonians 5:16-18 tells us to pray without ceasing and to rejoice always. So, we have a good guideline of how we should spend our time.
Does that mean we sacrifice relationships and earthly things? No, I think the heart of the matter is the Heart of the matter. How you feel in your heart, is the true you. Jesus spoke a lot of the heart. Proverbs says, "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he."
So, are you doing what you can for God in the time He has for you? I know for myself, I feel there is sometimes not enough time in the day to get done what I want to get done. But that is the key. Are my desires matching up to what God wants? Am I doing what He has in store for me that day? Are you? Are we using our time wisely?
Next time you find yourself with a few "extra" minutes, I would challenge you (and me) not to jump on social media, not to turn to Facebook, but turn to THE Book! Spend some extra time in God's Word, or praying. I know I am going to be more careful with my 86,400 seconds.
Friday, August 26, 2016
"Yellow Car!"
My family likes to play games. Usually these are board games or various types of tabletop games. "Sheriff of Nottingham", "Munchkin" a few others. But what does a family do when they can't play games and have a 40 minute ride to church? Enter car games!
So there is one game in particular that is always being played. It started out as "Yellow Car" you see a yellow car, you yell out "Yellow car!", you get a point. Pretty simple. If you tied with someone saying yellow car at the same time neither one gets the point. Points are only awarded while the car is running and are reset when the car is shut off.
One of the things I noticed while playing yellow car is there are a lot more yellow cars on the market than I thought. Was this because I was now paying closer attention to how many yellow cars are on the road? Or are there really more yellow cars on the road?
So, somewhat sick of "Yellow Car" my oldest son and I switched the game to "Orange Car". As an experiment of sorts. Which is more of a challenge since some red cars look orange until you get closer, and then they wouldn't count.
We were trying to see if a.) you see more of a color of car because you are paying closer attention, b.) if there are really more of those cars on the road, and c.) how long would it take for the rest of the family to catch on once we changed the color. (It took them about 3 days.)
So, sure enough, I have been seeing a LOT of orange cars lately. It couldn't be because the color is more popular than it was 3 months ago! Could it?
No, I think it is because we have been paying attention to the orange cars.
Isn't that how God speaks to us? We sometimes get wrapped up in our lives and pray out of habit or for something to do, but how often are we listening? A few days ago, I had posted about listening. Listening to God is part of that. We need to pay attention to Him, not just listen for Him. Notice what He has for us, not just "feel" it. Are we hearing His voice? Or are we just hearing what we want to hear?
John 8:47
Whoever is of God hears the words of God. The reason why you do not hear them is that you are not of God.”
Pretty clearly we are told that if you belong to God, you will hear the words of God. Will God ever reveal a new truth? NO. But, times I have heard the Holy Spirit talking to me, it has been through His Word, and it re-enforces what has been written. Jesus tells us in John, that we will hear His voice and follow!
John 10:27
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.
Are you hearing God because you are paying attention? Or because it is something to do? Perhaps you aren't listening at all? What "orange cars" are you finding in your spiritual walk?
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Temporal Circumstances
How often are we faced with a seemingly difficult situation and when looked at in the grand scheme of things is not that bad? I went through a divorce a few years back and when I was going through it, I had a mantra if you will of "It's only temporary." That works in relation to so much. The apostle Paul had taught me that no matter what we can praise God, because this life is only temporary. (I Thess. 5:18) Paul is also quick to remind us that we are just "passing through" this world if we are saved. (Phil. 3:20)
Today I cut my foot badly. I had a moment of panic, then of self loathing. Then I realized, this will heal. Kind of like the time a few months ago I stepped on a nail. (Stupid me, ya know? Fearfully and wonderfully made though!)
Well, in comparison, it's not that bad. Even if I had to lose my foot, it's not that bad. An eternity without God, that's bad.
Do we think Joseph thought this way in the pit, or in jail? Is that why the Bible doesn't really mention if he was downcast? No, the Bible tells us that God took care of him.
Paul and Silas worshiped God while in prison.
So, whatever circumstance you find God has you in, you can praise Him. Whether it is a punctured foot, or prison, it is only temporary when viewed through Heaven's eyes.
Praise GOD!
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
After yesterday's post, I decided to lighten things up a bit by posting an excerpt from my book
entitled "Stuff in my Attic".
“A day without laughter is a day wasted.” – Charlie
I chose to open this section with a
picture of Charlie Chaplain. There are
few on this earth who do not know of the comic genius of Chaplain. He could single-handedly take a few moments
on film and make you laugh and cry, and laugh again without thinking twice
about it.
How is it that someone who had such
a hard upbringing become a great icon of humor?
Raised in poverty, he entered a workhouse in London at age seven.
Chaplin's first stage appearance came at five years old, when he took over
from his mother one night in Aldershot. Hannah had been booed off stage, and
the manager chose Chaplin, who was standing in the wings, to go on as her
replacement. The young boy confidently entertained the crowd, and received
laughter and applause. It was an
isolated performance, but at nine years old Chaplin became interested in the
theatre. He credited his mother, later writing, "[she] imbued me with the
feeling that I had some sort of talent." Through his father's connections,
Chaplin became a member of The Eight Lancashire Lads clog dancing troupe. He began his professional career in this way,
as the group toured English music halls from 1899 to 1902. Chaplin worked hard and the act was popular
with audiences, but dancing did not satisfy the child and he dreamt of forming
a comedy act.
Bottom line: Chaplain realized at a
young age the importance of laughter. (I
challenge you to watch “Kid Auto Races at Venice” and not laugh. While only his 2nd film, Chaplain
utilizes some trademark comedy that the world comes to love and adore. “Kid Races” is available for free download here.
Perhaps you have heard the phrase
“Laughter is the best medicine.” God created us in a way that laughter actually helps you, below are some
health related benefits to laughter.
- Laughter relaxes the whole
body. A good, hearty laugh relieves physical
tension and stress, leaving your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes
- Laughter boosts the immune
system. Laughter decreases stress
hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies,
thus improving your resistance to disease.
- Laughter triggers the release
of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good
chemicals. Endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being and can even
temporarily relieve pain.
- Laughter protects the heart.
Laughter improves the function
of blood vessels and increases blood flow, which can help protect you
against a heart attack and other cardiovascular problems.
Physical Health Benefits:
Mental Health Benefits:
Social Benefits:
So, laughter is a great stress
reducer. Remember that next time you’re
stressed. Laugh.
I remember that when I was younger,
my older sister would love tickling me.
I recall laughing so hard, because I was so ticklish. One particular instance of tickling happened
when I was about seven years old. My
sister was tickling me and I had a hard time breathing I was laughing so hard. I recall I had warned her several minutes
earlier. “Stop! Hahahah, I’m gonna pee!
Hahahaha!” Then it happened. I peed myself. To which my sister stopped
tickling me and said, “OK, I’m done.”
(She was mean that way sometimes, but as soon as I got bigger than her,
she got her comeuppance.)
Have you ever laughed when you
“weren’t supposed to”? I find this
happening a lot. Especially now I am a
Parents understand that sometimes
your child does something so outlandish, and silly, that it is hard not to
laugh. You need to maintain that stern
face, because they are supposed to be disciplined for their crime, and yet, it
is just too funny…so you laugh keeping your lips together, trying not to belt
out a huge “guffaw”, and say, “I’m not laughing!” (Though you really want to.)
Or worse, when a funny tale is
related at a funeral. Everyone else
looks nervously around before deciding it is ok to chuckle. I remember I was at my aunt’s funeral, and a
funny story was told regarding her past, and I was trying so hard not to laugh
out loud. I took a tissue and bent over,
convulsing with “silent laughter” and my dad thought I was really broken up by
the loss of my aunt (which I was, just not as he thought at the time). “That poor boy, he must of really loved her.” (Either that, or the story was completely
My sister once told me a story of my
brother-in-law’s uncle passing, and how the memorial service was in the Grand
Canyon. The departed was cremated, and
it was his wish that his ashes be spread into the Grand Canyon. Here they are in a very somber moment, and
some solemn words were said, then the plan was to open the urn, and let the
ashes drift down into the Canyon with the breeze…except there was a snag.
The urn would not open! Several men tried to open it, and it just
wouldn’t budge. At which point my
brother-in-law’s father was trying to help him open it, and he said (referring
to the urn lid, not the contents) “No, there’s a lip in there!” At which point my sister had to turn away
because her thought was, “Yep. There’s a
lip, and a leg, and eyes and liver and…etc..” She was convulsing laughing so hard...(That poor girl, she is so distraught, did she even know him?)
My sister and I still share a hearty
laugh over that tale.
Have you ever laughed at work
because something struck you and only you as funny? Then your co-workers think you’re nuts. Let me say, this is great. Not only does it allow you to reduce stress,
it is fun to see where the rumor mill starts at work, and possibly get some
extra vacation time because of it.
My family loves telling stories and
jokes. We have heard a ton, and
sometimes we recall them just to get a good laugh. This is accomplished by merely reciting the
punch line.
“This guy was ok until we turned his
head around.” Is a favorite.
The funny thing about the jokes my
family tells isn’t necessarily the punch line, but when my sister tells a joke.
I love my sister, and she is very
intelligent, just not so bright sometimes.
She will sometimes tell a joke that she will mess up, or not understand
herself. The former is understandable,
and makes it even funnier when she says, “No, wait, that’s not it, let me start
over.” While already laughing
herself! The latter however is rare, but
extremely humorous, in as much as when she tells the joke, we all laugh at the
punch line, and as she is laughing with us, she will say, “I don’t get
it.” Yet, she is the one who told
it! At least she can have a good laugh.
In order to traverse this life with
any success, you must learn to laugh at yourself first, then others.
Growing up, I often would hear,
“It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt.” To which I often added, “Then it is
It’s funny when friends get
hurt. That may sound harsh, but how many
groin shots are featured on “America’s Funniest Home Videos”?
I myself laugh when I get hurt. That’s how you can tell I am really hurt
because I laugh. I stub a toe, and it is
When I broke my arm, the tears in my
eyes weren’t from the pain, (OK, maybe
somewhat) but because I couldn’t stop laughing.
Many comedians use laughter as
self-medication. Much of their comedy
comes from a dark place. I find that to
be true for myself as well.
As of writing this I recently started
regularly posting to my Twitter account.
I am using as a platform for my comedic therapy. If I am being honest (which I am) I have no
idea where most of my twitter posts come from.
I know that I feel bad some days, and I like to make people laugh. That being said, I don’t foresee a comedy
tour in my future, I don’t think a comedy club would be my forte.
Sometimes I find myself trying hard and struggling to feel funny, or to find humor in something. There is a lot of humor in the world when we
care to look. Just be willing to look.
The bottom line is, whether you are
laughing at someone or with someone, it can really be the best medicine.
The Bible has quite a bit to say about laughter. Some of my favorite verses are;
Luke 6:21
Blessed are you who are hungry now, for you shall be satisfied. Blessed are you who weep now, for you shall laugh.
Job 8:21
He will yet fill your mouth with laughter, and your lips with shouting.
Psalm 126:2
Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy; then they said among the nations, "The Lord has done great things for them."
Laugh today, don’t waste it.
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