Jonah 1&2
When I was 16, my parents bought a new car and gave me their old one. On one condition, that I pay for the gas myself. So I got a job at the local movie theater. I stood to my beliefs and would not work on Sundays. This was the first of 52 jobs I have had over my short 4 decades on earth. On of the longest jobs I held was working for a hobby shop in Illinois. At that time I drove 45 minutes to work and 10 minutes to church. The church I attended was very open to me organizing and starting a drama ministry. Since I had participated in drama throughout high school and some in college, I had a strong desire to be a drama pastor eventually. I felt God was opening the door for me to start and maintain a new ministry at a sizable church. I held a meeting the first Sunday night and about 15 volunteers showed up. I ran a few exercises to get to know everyone and we met for a few months every other week. I communicated with the pastor and we started performing intro sketches to help him with his sermons. Work meanwhile was going very well. I was up for a promotion. Problem was, in order to be promoted, I needed to work Sundays. I loved that job, and I questioned myself, God, and others to see which door I should go through.
I chose the wrong door. You see, I chose the career. I enjoyed my time there, and a couple years later, out of the blue I was let go. (Along with half the workforce in the district.)
I moved back to Michigan and started over. A few years later, I heard the calling of God. I was so excited, and it was at that time I met my ex-wife. We started a life together, and I thought she was on board to help me go into ministry. I was wrong. 10 years of abuse, and emotional trauma kept me from fulfilling the mission set before me. I guess you could say it was my "big fish" moment. (Honestly I don't mean to equate my ex-wife with a whale, it sounds more insulting than what I intended it to.) I prayed earnestly that God would move. He did so in His timing, and I was divorced before I even knew it! (Unfortunately, that had some legal ramifications, however I was now free to live as God wanted me to!)
A year later I met my current wife who is absolutely amazing! God used both of our "big fish" times in our lives to bring us closer to each other. My wife is completely on board with my entering ministry and is very supportive.
Just as God used Jonah's big fish moment to further His kingdom. I am sure the people of Nineveh were more apt to listen to a man they just saw get vomited up on the beach by a large fish. A few centuries later, God still used Jonah's big fish moment when Jesus mentioned it as an allegory to His death, burial and resurrection. God is still using the moment today to teach us!
Are you in the belly of a "big fish" now? So, what is God teaching you through your big fish moments?
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