Monday, August 15, 2016

Waiting for the Anvil to drop

I used to love the old Roadrunner and Coyote cartoons.  I still laugh at them to this day.  Sometimes the Coyote (who was just hungry and trying to get a meal) would come up with these elaborate schemes and knowing the moment when they would fail, wouldn't (for comedy's sake) do anything about it.

I feel that is how we sometimes act when God allows evil doers to continue without any seeming punishment.  It is like we are just sitting there and wondering what went wrong.  David tells us in Psalm 37 not to fret about evil.  And just like the coyote, is there some way we could have prevented things from happening by showing love to someone who we would think is evil? What do we do when we encounter evil?  What should we do?  Is there anything we can do that will make them change?

Example:  I was married to the wrong person for many years.  She abused me emotionally, physically and controlled every aspect of my life.  When she filed for divorce, she lied to the court and convinced them I was the abuser, and the courts believed her.  I was so angry for a long time because it meant I couldn't be with my son, and I felt I was getting unfairly and unjustly punished by the courts.  I asked God in my anger to make her pay. The answer I got was from Romans 12:19 as Paul quotes Deuteronomy 32:35.  James and John had said the same thing to Jesus regarding smiting a Samaritan town that would not welcome Jesus in Luke 9:54-55.  Jesus' response was swift and He rebuked them.  Even on the night He was betrayed and arrested Jesus was still a shining example of love. He rebuked Peter for using his sword, then healed Peter's victim.

Since the divorce, I have been blessed with a new family, and an awesome wife.  As for my ex, her health has not been well, and I know that God is punishing her for how she treated His servant.  I feel bad for her, and am continuing to pray for her, that God will open her eyes, and soften her heart and heal her.  Could I appeal the divorce settlement so I could have joint custody of my son? Sure, but that is not God's Will for my life.

Turning back to Psalm 37, David tells us not to fret for that is evil itself, but to wait patiently on the Lord.  To be still.  David knew a thing or 200 about having enemies.  He was hated and hunted by Saul, and yet he still learned to trust God. Even if there were a few bumpy times in the road!

So today, if someone at work has it in for you, or you have a toxic relationship with a narcissist, or someone just cuts you off in traffic.  Remember to be still, and know God has your back!  He never has failed me, He never will!

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