Friday, August 19, 2016


I love Chinese food.  What I don't like is the fortune cookie at the end of the meal.  Sure they taste just "ok".  But, the "fortune" they contain is mostly useless "fun".  Empty words.  I often wondered who wrote the fortunes for fortune cookies.  Then I thought, "Wouldn't it be cool if someone took the book of Proverbs and put them in fortune cookies?" Then I thought, "No, the Bible is God's Word, and shouldn't be subjected to a snack every now and then.  Although, certainly God could use it to bring Himself glory.

Yes, the Bible isn't a fortune cookie, it is the unerring Word. It is everlasting and steadfast.  If I were to say that the book of Proverbs is like a list of fortune cookies, that would belittle the Word of God, and the wisdom and love contained within.   So avoiding the cookie altogether, let's see what wisdom we can glean from Proverbs 27:1.  "Do not boast about tomorrow, you do not know what the day will bring."

So, as I try to balance life, ministry, family, job, this blog...etc.  I find that I am making plans for this blog for the rest of this year.  Sure, it's good to have plans, but where do we draw the line?  Jesus said, "Don't worry about tomorrow, tomorrow will be anxious for itself.  Sufficient is it's own day for trouble."

So what does God mean by that?  Should we never make plans?  I think like most instruction of Christ, it is a heart issue.  Don't get so wrapped up in making plans, that you lose focus of the present.  As we plan, we tend to get caught up in the details, and soon we get a picture or expectation in our mind of how things should go.  Then we get upset when things don't go according to plan.  So what do we do?

I think the key is to make plans, but not to worry about the minute details.  God is in control, we just need to let Him work.

If we worry about tomorrow,  we are not focusing on what we be focused on, and are missing out on being a blessing or receiving a blessing in return.

Plan, don't get stuck there.

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